Online and Classroom Coaching for JEE-B.Arch; 12+ years of Expertise
iMADE Creative Studio is providing JEE Mains Paper 2 coaching / B.arch coaching for past 12+ years in Delhi NCR and 5 years of Online Coaching Pan India with students studying at SPA (School of Planning and Architecture), Jamia Milia Islamia, NITs, CFTIs, GFTIs, CCA (Chandigarh College of Architecture), SFTIs and other colleges.
iMADE has a success ratio of 100% passing results in JEE mains Paper 2 exams. The B.Arch coaching program is conducted by M.Arch faculties from reputed institutes of IIT, SPA, IP alumnus.
iMADE’s coaching pattern for B.Arch course is covering all the prescribed syllabus (please check the detailed syllabus below in this article) with Mathematics, Aptitude, Architectural theory and Drawing ability in detail.
We have updated our syllabus and teaching pattern according to the recent changes made by JEE Apex Board (JAB) for 2023 exams.Jan 22-31
1st Session TestApr 01-15
2nd Session Test
JEE-Paper-II B.Arch & NATA Combined Coaching Upcoming Batches 2024, 2025 & 2026

What is JEE Mains Paper 2 ?
Candidates seeking admission into B.Arch (Bachelors of Architecture) / B.Planning (Bachelor of Planning) in any SPAs (School of Planning and Architecture), NITs (National Institute of Technology) other Centrally Funded Technical Institutions (CFTI), SFTI (State Funded Technical Institutes) and others would have to appear for the examination of JEE Mains Paper 2, which is held every year in 2 sessions.
JEE Mains Paper 2 will be conducted in the month of April and May. Two Attempts are allowed in a single year for students to have a better chance to perform and score higher. The major change from one attempt in a year to two attempts has been established from the academic year of 2019.
This CHANGE IN THE NUMBER OF ATTEMPTS has especially helped 12th appearing students who have their Board-exams coinciding with many entrance exams in the month of April and also taking into consideration of other state boards.
For admission in India’s one of the very best colleges of Architecture and Planning, one has to give JEE PAPER 2 Examination. The students will have following benefits of the JEE MAINS PAPER-2 new pattern:
- Students can improve their scores in 2 attempts if they were unable to clear in 1st exam (April) or the score was not satisfactory, without wasting their whole academic year
- There are several factors to perform well in examination like: Time management, test pattern, drawing solutions etc. So students can have an experience of the pattern of examination before attempting the second exam.
- If any student fails to attempt the examination then they can opt for the second exams without wasting a year.
- The best score out of the 2 examinations attempted by the student will be considered for the Ranking/ Merit list
Why to Join iMADE
- Teaching methodology is contemporary with student friendly classes
- In detailed coverage of curriculum with easy narration and navigation
- Preparing notes that helps the student to retain information for life long use
- Apart from the prescribed subjects associate subjects are covered for holistic understanding
- Live drawing classes with in depth information, techniques, methodology, process of drawing with relevant theory
- Improve your drawing skills like a professional without having prior drawing knowledge
- Revised/ Improvised study materials every year
- Online Assignment/ Portfolio submission, doubt clearing & discussion next class
- Small batches of students so that every student gets personal attention
- Study tours and sketching trips
- Higher success ratio is with students’ improvement
- Regular mock tests and revisions to monitor growth
iMADE course curriculum for JEE Mains paper II / B.Arch Online Coaching:
- Basics of Drawing
- Visualising 3D shapes, spaces and application
- 2D & 3D drawings
- Perspective drawing
- Shade & Shadow
- Composition building
- Rendering
- Anatomy
- Ergonomics
- Measurements
- Colour theory
- Application of colour
- Colour psychology and analysis
- Object and Furniture drawings
- Interior & Exterior drawing
- Still life
- Verbal & Non-verbal reasoning
- Mathematics
- Aptitude
- Architecture theory
- Mock tests

B.Arch complete information / What is B.Arch
People who wish to have a career in Architecture have to obtain a degree and a licence to practice as an Architect in India issued by Council of Architecture (COA) the regulatory authority for registration of Architects and standards of Architecture education in India. First a candidate has to opt for B.Arch (Bachelors of Architecture) a 5 year degree course provided by many Government undertaking and private Universities and Colleges in India. After your successful completion of 5 year degree course COA will allot you a Architect registration number.JEE Mains Paper 2A (B.Arch) Exam pattern for 2024:
Paper 2A (B. Arch): Mathematics (Part-I) and Aptitude Test (Part-II) in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode only and Drawing Test (Part-III) in Pen & Paper Based (offline) mode, to be attempted on drawing sheet of A4 size.
Subject wise distribution of Questions, Total Number of Questions and Marks:
Note : To clear the JEE-B.Arch Exam candidate has to Pass in individual Subjects
JEE Mains Paper 2B (B. Planning) Exam pattern for 2024:
Paper 2B (B. Planning) Part-I: Mathematics, Part-II: Aptitude Test and Part-III: Planning Based Questions in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode only
Subject wise distribution of Questions, Total Number of Questions and Marks
Note : To clear the JEE-B.Plan Exam candidate has to Pass in individual Subjects
JEE B.Arch Entrance Exam Important Dates and Information 2024
B.Arch Entrance Exam Syllabus :
The pattern of examination of upcoming 2021 Jee mains paper 2 for B.Arch and B.Planning has changed according to the information released by NTA (National Testing Agency).
The B.Arch and B.Planning will have separate exams. B.Arch will have 2 Drawing questions (Paper and Pen based), whereas B.Planning will have 25 questions specifically based on B.Planning replacing the drawing part.
Mathematics part has reduced the questions from 30 to 25. 20 questions are Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and rest 5 will be questions, where the candidates has to answer in Numerical value.
Aptitude part has 50 questions now, 10 questions more than last year, which is a good news for the creative and aware mind.
B.Arch Mathematics Syllabus:
- Sets, Relations and Functions
- Complex numbers and Quadratic equations
- Matrices and Determinants
- Permutations and Combination
- Mathematical Induction
- Binomial Theorem and its simple applications
- Sequences and Series
- Limit, Continuity and Differentiability
- Integral Calculus
- Differential Equations
- C0-Ordinate Geometry
- Three Dimensional Geometry
- Vector Algebra
- Statistics and Probability
- Trigonometry
- Mathematical Reasoning
B.Arch Aptitude Syllabus:
Part – I
- Awareness of persons, places, buildings, materials
- Objects, Texture related to Architecture and build-environment
- Visualising three dimensional objects from two dimensional drawings
- Visualising different sides of three dimensional objects
- Analytical Reasoning
- Mental Ability (Visual, Numerical and Verbal)
Part – II
- Three dimensional perception
- Understanding and appreciation of scale and proportion of objects
- Building forms and elements
- Colour texture
- Harmony and contrast
- Design and drawing of geometrical or Abstract shapes and patterns in pencil
- Transformation of forms both 2D and 3D -Union, Substraction, Rotation
- Development of surfaces and volumes
- Generation of Plan, Elevations and 3D views of objects
- Creating two dimensional and three dimensional compositions using given shapes and forms
- Sketching of scenes and activities from memory of urbanscape
- Public, Space, Market, Festivals, Street, Scenes, Monuments, Recreational spaces etc.
- Landscape (river fronts, jungles, gardens, trees, plants etc.
- Rural life