
NATA Online Mock Test

Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 3 customer ratings
(3 customer reviews)

1,750.00 950.00

NATA Online Mock-Test is set of 5 mock tests prepared by iMADE Faculty as per NATA curriculum. Each test follows the NATA pattern of exam which is : Architecture Aptitude, Mathematics, Diagrammatic Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Inductive Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning & more

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NATA Online Mock Test (5 Mock Tests)

The National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) is an entrance examination conducted in India for admission into undergraduate architecture programs. The test measures the aptitude of candidates in the field of architecture, including their drawing and observation skills, aesthetic sensitivity, critical thinking, and logical reasoning.

NATA Online Mock Test set of 5 tests are created by iMADE Creative Studio faculties as per NATA 2023 curriculum.

  • ➡️ Review and revise fundamental concepts from the relevant subjects, particularly those related to architecture and design.
  • ➡️ Updated on current architectural trends, famous architects, landmarks, and historical architectural styles.
  • ➡️ Develop aesthetic sensitivity by analyzing and appreciating architectural designs, art, and visual compositions.

For preparing for the NATA exam and conducting mock tests, it is essential to cover the relevant curriculum. Here is a brief note on the curriculum for mock tests:

How to appear for iMADE NATA Online Mock Test

  • ➡️ Register through fee payment
  • ➡️ Fill iMADE Form iMADE Form
  • ➡️ Our Counsellors will reach you within 24 hours to schedule NATA Online Mock Test dates
  • ➡️ Confirm your dates
  • ➡️ Receive your results within 48 hrs of Exams
  • ➡️ Contact our helpline numbers for more information

Benefits of NATA Online Mock Test

  • ➡️ Test your knowledge about exam preparation
  • ➡️ High probability of similar questions appearing in exams
  • ➡️ In-depth review of exam preparation
  • ➡️ 5 parameter evaluation
  • ➡️ Personalised report card
  • Enhance your logical reasoning and analytical skills by solving practice questions and puzzles.

Pattern of Questions and mode of Answering

The aptitude test will comprise of questions that could be of :

  • ➡️ Multiple-Choice type (MCQ)
  • ➡️ Multiple Select type (MSQ)
  • ➡️ Preferential Choice type (PCQ)
  • ➡️ Numerical Answer type (NAQ).

Mathematics & General Aptitude Test

  • ➡️ Only one option is correct out of four and correct response will yield 1-3 marks. There is no negative marking.
Drawing Test

There will be no physical Drawing test in examination. The Drawing questions will be concept based and understanding of drawing in-depth in form of aptitude.

Syllabus For NATA 2023

The aptitude of the candidate will be assessed using some or all of the following techniques:

  • ➡️ Diagrammatic Reasoning – Tests the ability of logical reasoning, using diagrams and scenarios
  • ➡️ Numerical Reasoning – Tests mathematical ability through simple problems
  • ➡️ Verbal Reasoning – Assesses the ability to assess verbal logic
  • ➡️ Inductive Reasoning – Tests the ability to see patterns and analyse given data
  • ➡️ Situational Judgment – Tests problem-solving ability
  • ➡️ Logical Reasoning – Tests ability to recognise patterns, sequences or relationships between shapes and imagery
  • ➡️ Abstract Reasoning – Will assess general knowledge, and ability to utilise knowledge in new situations

Questions could be asked in various topics that assess candidates on basic concepts in mathematics, physics and geometry, language and interpretation, elements and principles of design, aesthetic sensitivity, colour theory, lateral thinking and logical reasoning, visual perception and cognition, graphics and imagery, building anatomy and architectural vocabulary, basic techniques of building construction and knowledge of material, general knowledge and current affairs, etc. and are may not be limited to those outlined.

  • ➡️ Algebra
  • ➡️ Logarithms
  • ➡️ Matrices
  • ➡️ Trigonometry
  • ➡️ Coordinate geometry
  • ➡️ 3-Dimensional Co-ordinate geometry
  • ➡️ Theory of Calculus
  • ➡️ Application of Calculus
  • ➡️ Permutation and combination
  • ➡️ Statistics and Probability

  • NATA Important Dates 2024

    3 reviews for NATA Online Mock Test

    1. Rated 5 out of 5

      Anuj Suresh

      Nata mock was very helpful for the nata exams. I recently gave 2nd Nata attempt and the pattern of exams is similar to the imade mock test. Some questions are almost the same as mock test.

      • admin

        Dear Anuj Suresh,

        Thank you so much for your kind words! We’re thrilled to hear that you found the iMADE NATA Online Mock test series beneficial for your preparation. If you ever have more questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out. Wishing you continued success in your exams!

        Best regards,
        iMADE Creative Studio

    2. Rated 5 out of 5

      Atiprada Sekhar

      Good questions, covers most of the topics and good part score card is in depth.

      • admin

        Dear Atiprada,

        Thank you so much for your kind words! We’re thrilled to hear that you found the iMADE NATA Online Mock test series beneficial for your preparation. If you ever have more questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out. Wishing you continued success in your exams!

        Best regards,
        iMADE Creative Studio

    3. Rated 5 out of 5

      Anurag kushwaha

      Looking for brush up my knowledge & aptitude for NATA & JEE Architecture. Found this online exams. good questions and really amazing in depth report card.

      • admin

        Dear Anurag,

        Thank you so much for your kind words! We’re thrilled to hear that you found the iMADE NATA Online Mock test series beneficial for your preparation. If you ever have more questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out. Wishing you continued success in your exams!

        Best regards,
        iMADE Creative Studio

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